
“I freely confess: It was the objection of David Hume which first, many years ago, interrupted my dog-matic slumber” (Philosopher Immanuel Kant)”


*** Star Wars offers the image of the Teacher: Think of the wise, respected, and mysterious martial arts Teacher, and the focused, eager, and respectful student/learner.

Dear Teachers:

One of the difficulties in teaching citizenship, multiculturalism, and pluralism is integrating into lessons resources that are effective at encouraging differentiated instruction and fostering creative and critical thinking while being truly cross curricular and engaging.  I think you will find a springboard for all those things at this site as a whole.  Our goal here is not simply to provide set units and lesson plans, but rather offer a springboard from which lessons and rubrics can be drafted with students, grade/division teams, etc. 

There are a wealth of freely available creative and critical thinking resources from school boards and the web, so it is just a question of integrating them into lesson and unit building. If students are to be assessed on their creative and critical thinking skills, these need to be explicitly taught and modeled.

Darth Plagueis The Wise: Teacher of Darth Sidious

*** image fair Use Wiki: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Plagueis?file=DarthPlagueisHS-SWI130.jpg

Here are some of my favorite Lesson Building Resources:

  • I-Statements

    When you are having a disagreement with a friend, one good strategy is to express how you feel using I-Statements. Focus on the behavior you don’t like and how it makes you feel, not calling the other person names like “jerk” or “loser.” For example: I FEEL lonely WHEN YOU Ignore me BECAUSE I have…

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  • How To Disagree In A Friendly Way

    When talking about topics that are very important to people like religion, there is no need to lose friends just because you disagree with them. Be respectful. Say things like: “I understand your point of view, but I disagree with the reasons you give fo what you think.” Be open to changing your mind if…

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  • The Bible in Schools in Oklahoma

    Oklahoma’s education leader Ryan Walters recently declared that every teacher had to use the Bible in class. The leader of one of the largest districts now says his staff won’t comply: “We are not going to require our teachers to teach from the Bible.” Hemant Mehta notes with the new school year beginning in a…

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  • Religion and Cartoons: Not So Long Ago

    Not so long ago, children were expected to say the Lord’s prayer in school. In fact, you might even detect the Christian message in your afternoon cartoons. Here are a couple of examples from extremely popular cartoons The Flintstones and Charlie Brown: The Flintstones: Charlie Brown: There is currently a movement to put the 10…

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  • Little Pig Little Pig Let Me In (Big Bad Wolf)

    Have you ever wondered what the one unforgivable sin is in Christianity? You could be the worst person in history, yet you can be forgiven by God. By contrast, you can be the nicest person in history, but if you have the sin of unbelief God can’t forgive you. That’s the one unforgivable sin!

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  • AHA Statement on Oklahoma Mandate for Religious Content in Public Schools

    For teachers and Parents/Guardians: A Statement Endorsed by the AAR Board of Directors July 9, 2024 The AAR has endorsed the American Historical Association’s statement issued on July 9, 2024, on the Oklahoma Mandate for Religious Content in Public Schools. SEE HERE

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  • What Is Reading Like?

    Is reading like one of those hidden images that at first you don’t see it, but then it shines through and you can’t unsee it? Or is reading like putting together a jigsaw puzzle but you don’t know what the picture on the cover of the box is? What is reading like for you?

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  • Philosophy for Kids Event!

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  • The Ten Commandments

    One state has said that The Ten Commandments must be displayed in schools. How do you think this makes children of other religions and no religion feel?

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  • Media Literacy: Advertisements

    Have you ever noticed ads on TV are like fairy tales? They promise you “happily ever after” if you buy their product. Check out this ad for a baseball glove: ACTIVITY: Design and record your own ad that promises a fun and happy life if someone buys the product.

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