
HOODIE TAILS: The Adventures Of The Secular Web Kids

*** Kids


 Get your parents’ permission and send us an anonymous email. Your comment may appear on the site!  Also, do email us short Darth Harley stories, Art, or even websites. We’d love to publish those on our website!

*More episodes of “The Legend of Darth Harley” to come soon…

  • Grooming Minds: Indoctrination vs Argumentation

    Is difference between this above child and the more mild cases of religious upbringing of children we see  one of degree, or of kind.  Picture a child who is not vocal like this one, but holds similar or more mild conservative Christian views. Here is a helpful analogy video on religious child grooming: inundating a…

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  • Secular Web Kids Tails: Darth Harley For A Time Such As This

    “Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this. (Esther 4:14).” As was usually come to pass at the end of the day, Darth Harley walked down the Angus Path, particularly pleasant and orange on a autumn eve such as this, and reflected on the day at school.  His teacher…

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  • Talking to Kids About Morality Without God

    One thing you sometimes hear is that without God there could be no objective morality (the oughts), because if moral rules/principles don’t get their authority from God, where could their authority come from? Of course, this way of thinking is wrong. Children from a very young age understand what being a “friend” means without God…

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  • Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

    One of the traditional “proofs” of the existence of God is the beauty of the world. The claim is: surely as the beauty of a painting suggests an artist, so too does the beauty of a sunset suggest a divine artist. One problem with this way of thinking is that beauty is a highly personal…

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  • Darth Harley and Bob the Fish

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  • The Sins Of The Father 2/2 (Gnostics)

    This post is the last in this miniseries looking at the problem of evil. The previous posts are linked below. This last post begins below the linked posts: This interpretation offered over the above previous posts in the miniseries regarding God as evil/stupid is related to what we find in the ancient Gnostic interpretation of…

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  • Sins of the Father

    Previous 3 Secular Web Kids posts links, new analysis following these below: In the last series of posts on “What is the problem of evil?” we raised the possibility of God’s supreme recklessness and poor judgment in allowing earthquakes, floods, famine, pestilence, Sin, etc.  God did such a poor job creating and managing that things…

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  • What is the Problem of Evil? (Appendix)

    In the Jewish tradition, the question of evil is not just about personal failings, but overcoming the temptations of Satan. This is even true for God, who said Satan “caused” him to move against Job, which He wouldn’t otherwise have done simply on His own: 3 The Lord said to Satan,“Have you considered my servant Job? There is…

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  • What is The Problem of Evil? (2/2)

    The God of the bible was certainly prone to bad judgment.  Even on a simple level, consider with the story of Noah, He had so poorly designed humans that he had to wipe them all out with a flood and start over from square one.  Along these lines we read: “God ‘regretting’ his decisions: Two…

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  • What Is The Problem Of Evil?

    The problem of evil is an old philosophy question that has been asked for centuries. In the Christian tradition, it is something like “If God is all Good and all powerful, why does He allow suffering? If He cant stop it, He isn’t all powerful, and if He doesn’t try to stop it, He isn’t…

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