Little Pig Little Pig Let Me In (Big Bad Wolf)

Have you ever wondered what the one unforgivable sin is in Christianity? You could be the worst person in history, yet you can be forgiven by God. By contrast, you can be the nicest person in history, but if you have the sin of unbelief God can’t forgive you. That’s the one unforgivable sin!

What Is Reading Like?

Is reading like one of those hidden images that at first you don’t see it, but then it shines through and you can’t unsee it?

Or is reading like putting together a jigsaw puzzle but you don’t know what the picture on the cover of the box is?

What is reading like for you?

Media Literacy: Advertisements

Have you ever noticed ads on TV are like fairy tales? They promise you “happily ever after” if you buy their product. Check out this ad for a baseball glove:

ACTIVITY: Design and record your own ad that promises a fun and happy life if someone buys the product.

Should School Coaches Be Allowed To Lead Prayer After Games?

  • Remember Joe Kennedy, the showboating high school football coach who pretended his rights were violated because he couldn’t pray at midfield after games?. He was the Bremerton High School football coach who insisted his religious rights had been violated when his Washington public school district told him he couldn’t pray at midfield after games. His case went all the way up to the Supreme Court where the ultra-conservative majority gave him a victory. (Hemant Mehta)

Activity: Research the Bremerton High School incident and give your own verdict, with reasons for your choice.

Making Healthier Eating Choices

Did you know Darth Harley isn’t just wise about the world, but also himself. For example, he makes healthier choices when eating, such as when he’s eating cookies. Check out some of these healthier choice cookies for snack time: HERE.

The author of that blog says you can eat healthier cookies everyday but would Darth Harley agree with that?

LGBTQ+ Rights

How can we solve the problem of saying LGBTQ+ individuals should be celebrated and given full rights as persons, but still tackle issues like the question of Trans athletes competing in female sports or using female bathrooms?