Back In Time

There’s an old fiction idea that any really cutting edge technology would seem like magic to ancient people, so if you could go back in time with it people would think you are a god. But remember to bring the tech because just bringing your modern brain isn’t going to cut it!

What one technology would you go back in time with and why?

OK Education Chief: “We Want The Bible In Schools”

  • “Instead of allowing Biden and the unions to inject their ideology through graphic pornography like ‘Gender Queer’ and “Flamer,’ we want the Constitution, we want the bible in our schools where kids understand our nation’s history and what has made this country great. The reality is that the bible is a foundational document in our country’s history. Read the Founders, read their letters, listen to what these men and women said about why founding a country with the freedom of religion, the free exercise of religion was so important.” – Oklahoma Education Superintendent Ryan Walters, today on Fox Business.


It’s All About Your Point Of View

Think about a legal trial with lawyers. How does the defense lawyer interpret the evidence differently from the prosecutor?

Think about a political debate. How does the conservative candidate interpret the evidence differently from the liberal?

Search online for junior level debate topics (eg., school uniforms), research the topic, and make a case for BOTH sides of the debate.