Have you ever known someone that saw a cloud that looked like Jesus? Was that a message from God?
Category: Teachers/Educators
Darth Harley Meets An Apologist
APOLOGIST: Hello children, I am your substitute teacher today, Dr. Craig
DARTH HARLEY: You’re a Doctor?
APOLOGIST: Yes, a Doctor of Apologetics.
DARTH HARLEY: What’s Apologetics? It sounds like apologizing. Are you really good at apologizing?
APOLOGIST: No, no, lol. Apologetics means defence, like Socrates’ apology/defence at his trial, but in my case I’ve spent years training how to defend my belief in God.
DARTH HARLEY: Zeus or Thor?
Shh. God is Sleeping
God rested on the seventh day …
God Causes The Other Team To Lose The Hockey Game Because Your Team Prayed To Win
List Some Ways Prayer Doesn’t Make Sense …
Modern Magic
What magic spell do you think these people are trying to cast on former president Trump?
Global Warming
We adults didn’t see the problem, or if we did we didn’t get the seriousness of it.
What are the next steps? What is the plan?
Back In Time
There’s an old fiction idea that any really cutting edge technology would seem like magic to ancient people, so if you could go back in time with it people would think you are a god. But remember to bring the tech because just bringing your modern brain isn’t going to cut it!
What one technology would you go back in time with and why?
Worshipping Jesus
Spend the rest of time worshipping Jesus. He gave up a weekend for you 2000 years ago.
Religion And Children
Why do people think it’s important to teach religion to the very young? Why are youth ministries so important to faith?
Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?
Atheists aren’t afraid of having religion in school. Religious people are afraid of having all religions in school.